
  • Tulsa Community Fridge In Need of A New Home

    In December of 2020, the Tulsa Community Fridge became available to the public. The project had been in the works for months. The idea is simple: i...
  • Tulsa Abortion Access Mutual Aid and Assistance

    In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022, ASLUT compiled a list of mutual aid groups and organizations ...
  • A Tulsan Perspective on the St. Francis Campus Shooting

    by Cole Yearwood While my mother and my Mimi were in the kitchen cooking dinner, I sat in our El Paso living room seeing Columbine reported on the...
  • Behind the Lens: Capturing the Voice of Pride

    Last year ASLUT teamed up with Real Age Works and The Studio to present our first LGBTQ+ Pride Community Mural. The mural spanned several yards in ...
  • Against the Homo-geneous Ideal of Gayness

    by Caleb Neal Raynor In the spring of 2016, my close friend Zachary, Creative Director & Guest Editor of this publication, asked me to write so...
  • Selection of Uncategorized Observations while Undergoing HRT/D

    As my testosterone levels have decreased, & my estrogen levels have increased, the average temp of my showers has risen exponentially.  SALT: I...
  • Tulsa Tough Is Upon Us!

    A townie tradition since 2006 is back and calling us to the streets to cheer on some sexy cyclists. #mealsonwheels Races take place all weekend, wi...

    by Diem Meador Twenty-five countries.  Twelve years.  One man.  One camera (Ok more than one, but you get my point right?).   Hundreds of people.  ...
  • Kidd Ketamine's Met Gala Recap

    by Kidd Ketamine When you do too much coke before the party… SOURCE: GETTY IMAGES    Your cool Aunt. SOURCE: GETTY IMAGES  Her pushy ‘roommate....
  • ASLUT POLICY RADAR: Abortion in Oklahoma

    by Elizabeth J. Wenger and Madeline Roper   On April 12, Governor Stitt signed Senate Bill 612 into law. SB612 declares a near-total ban on the per...
  • Tulsa Skins: More Than Skin Deep

    Drew Harbour and Xochitl are walking embodiments of the Tulsa creative spirit, cunning and progressive. These two began their collaboration at the...
  • ASLUT Community Quarterly Call For Proposals

    ASLUT COMMUNITY QUARTERLY (ACQ) ARTIST CALL Submissions Due November 14th What is ACQ?  Oklahoma Unwound: ASLUT COMMUNITY QUARTERLY (ACQ) is an ev...